Elliot Williams

 Elliot Williams,NP, BN (UTS), MN (NP)(Syd.), GradCert CritCare

Nurse Practitioner

Elliot is a Nurse Practitioner in the Intensive Care Unit at Royal North Shore and Casual Academic, Sydney Nursing School, Faculty of Medicine and Health, University of Sydney, teaching on the Master of Nursing, Nurse Practitioner course. 

He also holds the position of Deputy Commissioner (Clinical Systems) for St John Ambulance Australia (NSW).

Elliot has clinical sub-specialty interest and practice in advanced vascular access procedures, procedural sedation, extracorporeal life support, transport of critically ill patients, tracheostomy management and complex long-term patient case management. 

Elliot is an experienced educator, having been an ALS instructor since 2014, and in addition to his current academic appointment, has held previous roles as ICU Clinical Nurse Educator, and Clinical Fellow of the Faculty of Health, University of Technology, Sydney. 

Elliot is also an early-stage researcher and has a presentation and publication list as follows:

Co-investigator, EXCEL ECMO registry study, Royal North Shore Hospital site 2020 – Current

Project Steering Committee Member, Paramedic use of mechanical ventilators for comatose  survivors of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (PreVENT trial) 2022 

Williams, E. (2021) Arterial catheters for venous cannulation and injection of radiopaque contrast.  Journal of Vascular Access (0)0, 1-2, doi: 10.1177/11297298211045504

Webb, S., Butler, J., Williams, E., Harbour, K. & Kelleway, K. (2022) Intensive care nurse practitioner program: Poster presentation. Australian College of Nurse Practitioners Conference.  Presented in Brighton-le-sands New South Wales 14 October 2022

Webb, S., Butler, J., Williams, E., Harbour, K. Intensive care nurse practitioners in Australia – A description of a service model in an adult tertiary intensive care unit. Australian Critical Care. 2022. 0 (0) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aucc.2022.10.017 

In-press: Buckley, T. & Williams, E. (2023) Cardiovascular assessment and monitoring. In L. Aitken, A. Marshall & W. Chaboyer (Eds.), Critical Care Nursing 5e. 

In-press: Williams, E. (2023) Nursing management: Obstructive pulmonary diseases. In D. Brown, H. Edwards, T. Buckley & R. Aitken (Eds.), Lewis’s Medical-Surgical Nursing 6e. 

Invited speaker:
* ACCCN Critical Care Seminar 2017 – Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy on ECMO 
* Australasian Cardiovascular Nursing College (ACNC) Conference 2018 – ECMO 
* ACCCN ICE Conference 2018 “The Future is Critical” – Sepsis Panellist 
Williams, E., Webb, S., Harbour, K. & Butler, J. (2022) NPs in the ICU. Australia and New Zealand  Intensive Care Society and Australian College of Critical Care Nurses Annual Scientific Meeting, International Convention Centre, Sydney, Australia.

Williams, E. (2022) Prehospital Emergency Anaesthesia. Western Pacific Mass Gathering Symposium 2022. Griffith University, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia.


·       Master of Nursing (Nurse Practitioner)

·       Graduate Certificate (Critical Care)

·       Bachelor of Nursing