Day Surgery Anaesthetic & PACU Nursing Workshop
with more than 70% of procedures in Australia now performed in day surgeries and short-stay facilities, it is an absolute imperative that clinical practice in this setting
-Download Sydney Workshop Flyer including program content detail-
Until now every program on Anaesthetics and PACU nursing assumes a hospital-based setting, despite the fact that 60-70% of all anaesthetics in Australia are given in a day surgery setting. Our workshop is designed to target the unique skills and considerations of Anaesthetic and PACU nursing in this environment.
Our program is ANZCA PS08 compliant.
This programed is aimed at Registered Nurses working in day surgeries, but is also suitable for Enrolled Nurses and Anaesthetic Technicians.
Dress Code
Casual clothing with enclosed footwear.
The workshop is fully catered and includes all-day tea and coffee, morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea.
Please advise of special dietary requirements at the time of registering
Certificate provided