Supportive nursing of the mechanically ventilated patient
This unique webinar has been designed to introduce non-critical care nurses to the care considerations of the mechanically ventilated ICU patient. The webinar will orientate nurses to the environment, ventilation safety, ventilation basics, common alarms and appropriate actions and some of the fundamental patient assessments and nursing management relevant to the mechanically ventilated patient.
This program is designed to assist non-critical care nurses to support the ICU Nurse in the management of the acutely unwell, ventilated patient. It will focus on supportive tasks, when to worry and when to escalate care.
This webinar will start at the following times:
Brisbane: 1000am
Sydney: 1000am
Melbourne: 1000am
Hobart: 1000am
Adelaide: 0930am
Perth: 0800am
Provided on completion.